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Plans and Reports

Plans and Reports


Education Plans

CRPS' Education Plans are built based on the performance results identified in its Annual Education Results Reports and the direction gathered through various consultation activities undertaken over the year. Plans for the upcoming school year are generally tabled for the Board of Trustees' approval in January or February.

2021 - 2025 Education Plan - Year 4

2021 - 2025 Education Plan - Year 3

2021 - 2025 Education Plan - Year 2


Annual Education Results Reports

The integrity and the effectiveness of CRPS' Education Plans are strengthened through regular communication with the Board of Trustees and the public regarding its implementation. As part of this process, CRPS reports on its progress toward achieving the plan's priorities and outcomes through an Annual Education Results Report, released in late November.

2022 - 2023 Annual Education Results Report

2021 - 2022 Annual Education Results Report

2020 - 2021 Annual Education Results Report



In line with Alberta Education's funding framework, CRPS prepares its proposed budgets in consultation with affected stakeholders. Preparation of the budget for the proceeding year begins in January and concludes with the Board of Trustees' approval in April or May.

2024-2025 Budget

2023 - 2024 Budget

2022 - 2023 Budget


Audited Financial Statements

CRPS' financial statements are audited by an accounting firm in the fall and presented to the Board of Trustees for approval in November.

2023 Audited Financial Statement 

2022 Audited Financial Statement

2021 Audited Financial Statement


Facility and Capital Plans

CRPS submits a facilities and capital plan each spring outlining the need for school modernizations, additions, and/or portables. Alberta Education reviews all school board plans and submits its recommendations for cross-ministry review. Capital projects approved are announced by the Alberta government generally following the approval of the provincial budget.

2024 - 2025 Facility and Capital Plan

2023 - 2024 Facility and Capital Plan

2022 - 2023 Facility and Capital Plan