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School Starts August 26; Tips for a Smooth and Exciting Return

Canadian Rockies Public Schools (CRPS) is getting excited to welcome students back to school on August 26! As we say goodbye to the leisurely days of summer and gear up for a new academic school year, it's essential for families to approach this transition with a blend of excitement and preparation. Here are some refreshed tips to ensure a smooth and joyful return to the classroom for all our students.

Ease into the Routine: Start adjusting your child's sleep schedule a few days before school begins. Gradually moving bedtime earlier can help ease the transition from summer's flexible schedules to school's structured days, ensuring they are well-rested and ready to learn.

Promote Healthy Habits: Encourage a balanced diet and regular physical activity. A healthy lifestyle is crucial for maintaining the energy and focus needed for school days. Prepare nutritious lunches and snacks to keep your child energized throughout the day.

Reignite the Learning Spark: Help your child get back into a learning mindset with fun, educational activities. Whether it’s reading together, solving puzzles, or exploring educational websites like LearnAlberta, engaging their brain before school starts can make a big difference.

Cultivate Positivity: Talk about the exciting aspects of returning to school, such as meeting friends and new teachers, and participating in school activities. This can help transform any back-to-school jitters into enthusiastic anticipation.

Prepare Together: Involve your child in preparing their school supplies, which can be found in our Back-to-School Information section. Let them choose a special item that excites them about returning to school, like a new backpack or a set of colorful pens.

Encourage Independence: The night before school, have your child set out their clothes and pack their backpack. Include a surprise note in their lunchbox or bag to remind them you’re thinking of them, boosting their mood and confidence.

Safety First: Discuss and practice the daily travel plan to school, whether it’s walking, biking, or riding the bus. Make sure they know the bus route, where to get off, and where to go once they arrive at school.

Stay Engaged: Maintain open lines of communication with your child’s teachers and the school. Being proactive about communication can help you stay informed about your child's progress and any needs they might have.

By implementing these strategies, you’re not just preparing your child for the first day of school—you’re setting them up for success throughout the year. We look forward to seeing everyone on August 26, ready for a year filled with learning and growth. Welcome back!